Tax Form 720: Declaration of assets abroad.

- We help you avoid penalties and tax problems with the Administration.
- We are experts in the preparation and presentation of Tax Form 720.
- Save time and money in processing the Tax Form 720 with GESTIÓNEMPRESA.
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List of assets and rights to declare in Tax Form 720.
If you have shares, securities, accounts or real estate in another country, you must take into account that, each year, you must present the Tax Form 720, which was created with the aim of fighting against tax fraud.

Who should present the Tax Form 720?
Tax Form 720 must be submitted by all natural and legal persons residing in Spanish territory who are in the cases established in article 35.4 of Law 58/2003.
A taxpayer must declare his foreign assets or goods whenever they exceed the value of €50,000.
If before December 31 of last year you have authorization in said assets or goods, you are obliged to submit Tax Form 720, even if you are not the nominal owner.
If you have submitted Tax Form 720 last year, you do not need to submit this return again, unless the value of your property or assets increases by more than €20,000 compared to the last return.
If you are no longer the owner of your assets, you must submit Tax Form 720 for this change to be notified.
Frequent asked questions
Tax Form 720 is filed between January 1 and March 31 of the year following the one to which the information on said model refers.